Thursday, June 7, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell

What is up with HER?

I think that she is having a breakdown and she had it on National Television...

She basically committed an act of treason by calling our troops "terrorists" yet denies it, and her tv pal tried to get her to clarify what she was trying to say and attacks her. I really do think she is mentally unbalanced.

While also accusing our government of burning down part of the World Trade Center, she distorts figures which is exactly what she accuses our government of doing. She says there have been 650,000 deaths in the "War on Terror" however she has GROSSLY increased the number by adding an extra zero. What does an extra zero matter in Hollywood?
I guess that it doesn't matter to anyone that watches the View since none of them actually check facts. They just follow blindly what other people say. I'm glad that I'm not one of those people.

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